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DigiTorc have a range of white papers available on various aspects of Data Protection. If what you are looking for is not listed below please contact us and we will see what we can do.


Data Protection landscape

Data Protection Industry Landscape

A Business Architecture based framework for the positioning of
Data Protection Products and Services.


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    [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]

    MedTech and Data Protection

    How does MedTech interact with GDPR?.


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      [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]

      GDPR and Photography Clubs

      A free primer for camera clubs who want a practical GDPR solution.


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        [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]

        EU growing legal corpus

        ISO27001 & GDPR

        Understand how ISO 27001 is not the same as GDPR and can never be the same as GDPR.


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          [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]

          Privacy adoption rates globally

          Most organisations prefer to risk GDPR fines instead of making a sound business transformation decision


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            [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]


            Brexit and GDPR means hard choices for organisations who transfer data between Ireland and Northern Ireland
            Brexit & GDPR choices

            Brexit and GDPR 

            How do Brexit and GDPR interplay and how can we mitigate risks?


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              [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]

              GDPR 1 year old

              What have we learned, how is this radical new legal system bedding down?


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                [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]

                DPIAs are how an organisation manages risk when start a new type of data processingDPIA White Paper

                Data Protection Impact Assessments, Privacy Impact Assessments, DPIAs and PIAs are mandatory requirements for so many businesses.


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                  [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]

                  GDPR for Golf Clubs

                  Golf clubs hold personal data of many individuals, current, prospective and past members, employees etc

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                    [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]

                    EU data protection in practice

                    This white paper gives the reader a valuable insight into how GDPR adherence is developing in practice in the UK and Ireland

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                      [quiz quiz-618 "Which is bigger 2 or 9? |9" "What city is the capital of Ireland? |Dublin" class:form-control]